Unfolding versus Transformation or Change

I want to talk a little bit about the process of change and transformation. I do a lot of personal transformational work, and this idea of change comes up a lot.

I don’t actually believe in change, I see it all as a process of unfolding versus change.

In modalities such as Hakomi and brainspotting, less emphasis is placed on the practitioner and more on the process of allowing a person’s inner guidance work on themselves. Brainspotting talks about “staying in the tail of the comet” referring to allowing the person’s own process be the guide to how a therapist or coach might work with them. One implication of Hakomi’s organicity principle is that a person’s system holds the keys to its optimal functioning.

What all this implies is that inside of ourselves is everything we need to be whatever version of ourselves we choose. And the act of moving into behaviors and beliefs we would prefer is less a matter of transformation and change, and more inviting ourselves to unfold into that version of us that already exists, just maybe isn’t on the surface.

This belief is core to how I show up for myself, my loved ones, and my clients. It offers an amazing opportunity, and while does not mean that unfolding process is always easy, it suggests that it is very possible because it is already a part of you.